5 Fun Health-Focused Fall Activities To Do With Your Family

5 Fun Health-Focused Fall Activities To Do With Your Family

You know you’ve arrived at the BEST time of the year when the temperature finally begins to cool down and the leaves begin to change color.

With a new season also comes fun new activities to do, especially ones that will benefit your health and fitness. Take a look at this list of the top 5 activities to do this Fall together with your family:

Apple or Pumpkin Picking

Nothing says Fall like apple and pumpkin picking! Not only is it fun to walk around a pumpkin patch and pick out the perfect one, but consistently squatting down and bending over picking up these heavy objects is a workout in disguise. Instead of going to the grocery store and getting apples, why not go pick your own fresh apples that are locally grown? Did you know that apples and pumpkins are full of antioxidants and fiber, which will also help battle against cardiovascular disease and numerous other illnesses?

Make A Healthy Recipe with the Apples or Pumpkins

After picking your fresh apples and pumpkins, don’t forget to try a new healthy recipe! There are loads of delicious and nutritious recipes online. Whether it be a healthier pumpkin or apple pie recipe, revamping your oatmeal, or baking tasty muffins, there are many different ways to use these versatile ingredients.

Try A New Crock Pot or Slow Cooker Recipe

Nothing feels more comforting on a fall day than a warm and comforting dinner — especially when it’s homemade. I’m talking about soups, stews, chili, and even dessert! Whether you want a meal you can leave alone to cook slowly during the day or while you run errands, your crock pot or slow cooker has got you covered. Plus, it saves energy and lowers the risk of burning food…so even the not-so-culinary-blessed can partake in these healthy slow cooker recipes.

Hit Up the Local Farmers Market

Fall is the perfect time to shop for new foods, sweets, and items for your home. Because they come directly from the farmer, farmers markets are known for having the freshest and highest quality meats, fruits, and vegetables. Try to schedule some time to visit your local farmers market with your family to buy fresh and unique things that other stores won’t carry.

Get Outside for a Walk and Enjoy the Cooler Temps

Take advantage of the fall foliage by going on a family hike or walk. The higher you hike, the better the view! Another fun way to get steps in is to navigate a corn maze. You won’t have to nag your kids to get outside or exercise when this fun and seasonal activity is involved.

Which Fall activities above will you try with your family? With a little creative thinking, you can make this season an unforgettable one!

Maryann Walsh, MFN, RD, CDE
Registered Dietitian/ Consultan