How to Build a Positive Body Image

How to Build a Positive Body Image

Body image is a topic that many people struggle with. It’s not uncommon to feel self-conscious about certain aspects of our bodies, especially in a society that places a lot of emphasis on physical appearance. However, building a positive body image is crucial for overall mental health and well-being. Below we’ll explore some tips for how to build a positive body image.

Focus on Health, Not Appearance

When it comes to your body, it’s important to shift your focus away from appearance and towards health. This means making choices that prioritize physical and mental well-being over trying to attain a certain body shape or size. For example, instead of obsessing over the number on the scale, focus on nourishing your body with nutritious foods and getting regular exercise.

Practice Self-Care

Self-care is an essential part of building a positive body image. This means taking time to care for your body in ways that make you feel good, whether that’s taking a relaxing bath, getting a massage, or simply spending time in nature. When you prioritize self-care, you’re sending a message to yourself that you value your body and want to take care of it.

Surround Yourself with Positive Influences

The people we surround ourselves with can have a big impact on our body image. Try to surround yourself with people who are positive and supportive, and who don’t place a lot of emphasis on physical appearance. This can be friends, family members, or even social media accounts that promote body positivity.

Focus on Your Strengths

Instead of fixating on the things you don’t like about your body, try to focus on your strengths. What do you love about your body? Maybe you have strong legs from running, or you love the curve of your waist. By focusing on the things you love, you can start to build a more positive relationship with your body.

Seek Professional Help if Needed

If you’re struggling with body image issues, it’s important to seek professional help. This could mean talking to a therapist, joining a support group, or seeking treatment for an eating disorder. Remember, there’s no shame in seeking help when you need it.

Building a positive body image is a journey that takes time and effort. However, by focusing on health, practicing self-care, surrounding yourself with positive influences, focusing on your strengths, and seeking professional help if needed, you can start to build a more positive relationship with your body.



  1. 1. “Tips for Building a Positive Body Image” by Eating Disorder Hope:
  2. 2. “10 Tips for Building a Positive Body Image” by Healthline:
  3. 3. “5 Ways to Build a Positive Body Image” by Verywell Mind: