Budget-friendly grocery shopping tips!

Budget-friendly grocery shopping tips!

Whether you enjoy grocery shopping in person or are a fan of utilizing grocery shopping apps, one thing we can all agree on is that we all love getting a good deal while we keep our refrigerator and pantry stocked!

In these trying times where prices are rising and grocery shelves are not always in stock with what we want or need, it’s important to have a strategy when it comes to grocery shopping!

Here are some tips you can try out on your next grocery shopping day, while these tips apply more so to people who shop in person, you can easily adapt them if you are someone who uses grocery shopping apps and services.


  • Make a grocery shopping list beforehand

The list will serve as a guide to what you need for the house. You are less likely to miss anything important and less likely to grab items that don’t fit into your health and wellness goals or budget.


  • Have your menu or meal plan for the week listed out

This way, you already have a game plan for your meals throughout the week, and you have higher chances of just getting what you need from the stores (or month depending on how frequent you do your grocery shopping).


  • Check on your current “inventory”

Take a look into your refrigerator and pantry to see what you need and what you already have a reasonable supply of, this will help you to avoid missing anything and also avoid buying things you already have plenty of minimizing duplicates like bottles of ketchup or cans of beans which can take up space in the pantry!


  • Buy in season

Take note of fruits, vegetables, and proteins (like fish) currently in season. Items in season are usually cheaper since there is a higher supply.


  • Don’t stress organic if it’s not in your budget.

Most of the time, produce and food products labeled as organic can be more costly than their non organic counterparts. There is a list usually referred to as the “Clean 15”, these conventionally-grown fruits and vegetables are generally lower in pesticides, so if you are concerned about not being able to include organic foods in your budget, these are usually the best best. This list can vary by season, but this is usually a reliable website to find this list: https://www.ewg.org/foodnews/clean-fifteen.php


  • Try going meatless

Unfortunately, meat has a tendency to be a major contributor to one’s grocery bill. Utilize the opportunity to expand your dietary palate by swapping in at least one meal a day or even one a week with a meatless dish.


  • Buy more frozen food.

Frozen meat, vegetables, and fruits are less expensive than their fresh versions while still providing the same nutrients as fresh.


  • Check unit prices or prices per serving

Utilize the built in calculators on your phone to help you compute and compare food prices. You can simply compare the prices of food products by dividing the price by its weight (fl oz, oz, g, etc). This allows you to see how certain foods compare to others when it comes to price per serving.


  • Be mindful of brand names

Many of us have a loyalty to a brand when it comes to certain foods, and that’s totally fine! Just keep in mind that there are times that the more well known the brand is, the more expensive it can be! Consider trying generic brands that have the same nutrient claims and content as the more famous ones, or try the grocery store (aka private label) brands.


  • Take your time when doing the groceries

Sometimes, grocery stores arrange products so that the moderate to high priced ones are located within the customer’s eye level. People tend to grab things on the shelf that they can see and reach immediately so by strategically placing the medium to high priced product in very reachable areas, people are more likely to grab the name brand or higher priced item. Keep this in mind when shopping if you are trying to steer more towards store brand items, they may be hanging out a bit lower on the shelf.


Supply chain issues and rising grocery prices don’t need to be a barrier to eating healthy, with the tips above you can stick to your healthy lifestyle while also sticking to your budget!