Egg & Apple Snack Plate

Egg & Apple Snack Plate

Prep Time: 15 minutes | 1 Servings


  • 1 Egg
  • 1 Apple (sliced)
  • 1/4 Unsweetened Coconut Yogurt


  1. Place the egg in a saucepan and cover with water. Bring to a boil over high heat. Once boiling, turn off the heat but keep the saucepan on the hot burner. Cover and let sit for 10 to 12 minutes.
  2. Strain the water and fill the saucepan with cold water. Peel the egg when cool enough to handle and slice into halves.
  3. Transfer to a plate with the sliced apple and coconut yogurt for dipping. Enjoy!


  • LEFTOVERS: Refrigerate unpeeled hard-boiled eggs in the fridge for up to a week. Slice apple just before serving.
  • MORE FLAVOR: Season the egg with salt and pepper to taste. Add vanilla extract, cinnamon, or sweetener of choice to taste to the yogurt.
  • NO APPLES: Use berries, banana, or pear instead.
  • NO COCONUT YOGURT: Use Greek yogurt instead.
  • MEAL PREP: Make a batch of hard boiled eggs for the week all at once to avoid hard boiling one egg at a time


Nutrition Per Serving:
  • Calories = 194
  • Fat = 7g
  • Saturated Fat = 3g
  • Trans Fat = 0g
  • Carbs = 28g
  • Fiber = 5g
  • Sugar = 19g
  • Protein = 7g
  • Cholesterol = 186mg
  • Sodium = 85mg
  • Vitamin A = 368IU
  • Vitamin C = 8mg
  • Calcium = 164mg
  • Iron = 1mg