Find time for quiet

Find time for quiet

Peace and quiet is something we all need a often crave. It can be especially important around the busy holiday season when we can easily feel overwhelmed and over stimulated. When you let the mind and body quiet down and be still you rebalance a time to recharge and let creativity lead by letting your mind wander in whatever direction it chooses. Quiet time will rejuvenate you and prepare you for top performance. Here are some of the best ways to ensure you incorporate quiet time into your day:

  1. Schedule it. In today’s world we have no stop schedules, so why not add in this very important self-care moment into your calendar. By blocking this time out, you are putting yourself first.

  1. Use travel time or “wait” time to your advantage. Turn of your radio on the morning commute or if you’re on a plane rest your eyes and put on some noise canceling headphones. Next time you are at an appointment in the waiting room put your phone away and just relax and take that time for you.

  1. Create a quiet habit. If you practice the same thing every day, it will eventually form a habit then before you know it quiet time will simply be a normal part of your every day. One easy way to do this is in the morning or in the evening. Maybe you sit quietly as you drink your coffee or talk a morning walk uninterrupted by cell phones. At night try to head to bed five minutes early to just sit and reflect alone.

These are just three simple ways to start incorporating quiet time in your daily practice right now. Don’t let the busy season ahead start to stress or overwhelm you start creating the self-care habits you need to succeed today!


