Make Money while on Vacation

Make Money while on Vacation

We realize this headline may sound a little crazy. After all, how do you make money while on vacation?

Well, the truth is, it’s easy! Residual incomes and passive incomes are the answer. In case you are unfamiliar…

–  Residual income is income that you continue to receive after the completion of the income-producing work. To simplify it, it is when you earn money even after the work is complete. has the perfect example “A real world example of this would be recording artist. They get paid long after they’ve done the actual work to make the recording – sometimes for decades after.”

– Passive income is earnings from a rental property, limited partnership, or other enterprise in which a person is not actively involved. An example of this could be someone who licenses their name for use. No work goes into this earning activity but income is received.

In the industry of network marketing both types of income are possible. This means you do, in fact, MAKE MONEY WHILE ON VACATION! The best part is it’s not just vacation. You can earn money while caring for your family, while running errands or even sleeping. Understanding importance of having residual and passive income streams can be achieved by gaining, financial stability, no longer reliant on a paycheck, experiencing financial freedom/independence and potentially enjoying an early retirement.

Understanding the benefits is easy however creating residual and income can be scary but it doesn’t have to be. One of the best ways to create these types of income is network marketing. For the purpose of this conversation let’s use FITTEAM as an example. FITTEAM’S business structure and compensation plan was purposely designed to offer sales representative the ability to leverage top tier quality products at affordable prices to create unprecedented demand so that sales reps can achieve success in earning both residual and passive income.

There are amazing benefits to network marketing making it one of the preferred income streams. Some of these benefits are:

  • – Low startup cost.
  • – Proven success system.
  • – Team environment to provide motivation, excitement and support. You are never alone.
  • – Easy duplication.
  • – Reduced stress.
  • – Ability to work from anywhere.
  • – Ability to be your own boss.
  • – Ability to create legacy that can be passed down.
  • – Tax benefits.

And these benefits are just the start! Don’t wait any longer. Set yourself up for financial freedom and the joys that come with it. Set strong financial goals and create a plan to achieve them. If you are interested in learning more about network marketing about how it can help you achieve your goals don’t hesitate to contact us.


