Reassessing Your Health and Wellness Routine for Fall

Reassessing Your Health and Wellness Routine for Fall

Whether you’ve set New Year’s resolutions or goals, it seems like individuals are more motivated to follow their healthy habits during this time. Unfortunately, it’s not uncommon to see that this motivation wears off come the Fall season.

This is why it’s important to reassess your health and wellness routine by looking at the previous goals you’ve set and decide what you want to continue into the Fall and see what needs to be changed or improved upon.

Envision what you want your life to look like

Don’t be scared to dream big. Consider the best potential everyday reality, long-term goals, and overall sense of well-being. Maybe the goal you’ve previously set for yourself isn’t aligned with your wants anymore. Break down your long-term goals into smaller, more manageable steps.

Set realistic goals

Take an honest look at where you are now in terms of completing a previous goal that you set for yourself and what’s happening in your current life. Setting realistic goals is an important step on the road to success. When you set difficult goals for yourself, you set yourself up to fail, which is both frustrating and discouraging. Be open and honest with yourself about your lifestyle, likes and dislikes, cravings, patterns and weaknesses. This knowledge will assist you in setting realistic goals that will help you maintain your momentum.

Obtain accountability

When times get difficult, it’s very tempting to let yourself off the hook. Share your goals with a reliable friend who motivates and inspires you. Furthermore, share your goals and progress on social media. Be open about your weaknesses ahead of time so that your supporters and friends may gently bring you back on track if you start to stray. Making your goals public can be a huge help in making them a reality.

Measure your progress

One of the biggest reasons that you might not be motivated to continue working towards a goal you set for yourself is because you aren’t measuring your progress. Measuring your progress allows you to see how far you’ve come and reminds you that, despite what you see, you’re making progress. Remember, small wins deserve a pat on the back. Praise yourself for going to the gym, choosing to eat healthily, and making time for yourself. Weigh yourself at reasonable intervals (ex. weekly, not daily). Don’t obsess over the details, but make sure to praise yourself on your accomplishments.

The importance of creating healthy habits for Fall 

While summertime wellness includes fresh fruits, outside activities, and plenty of sunshine, self-care in Autumn may look a bit different. Allergies, shorter days, and seasonal sweets can make it difficult to feel your best. During the Fall season, now is more important than ever to increase your healthy habits to prevent colds and the flu. Whether you’re maintaining current health habits, or making new ones, it’s important to figure out what that looks like for you in terms of nutrition and exercise.

When it comes to evaluating your wellness and creating new goals, you must be honest with yourself about where you are now and where you want to go. No goal is out of reach with the right combination of support, encouragement, expertise, and motivation!


Maryann Walsh, MFN, RD, CDE
Registered Dietitian/ Consultan