Now a days when you walk into any health store, grocery store or pharmacy you see hundreds if not thousands of supplements. It can feel overwhelming and discouraging, how are you supposed to know what is good for you and what isn’t. Today we discuss the best way to decipher the supplements that could benefit you.

First ask yourself, why are you looking to take supplements in the first place. Are you wanting to improve your general health, support mental and physical performance or provide immune support? If you answer yes, to any of these questions then you are already on the right track! Supplements have not been proven to treat, prevent or cure any disease however, they have been linked to improved overall health.

Review your diet. Supplements have this name for a reason, they are designed to supplement your diet as a way to help your body get what it may be lacking from your diet. Eating whole foods and keeping a healthy diet will always be the best way to provide nutrients to your body but for those who may have trouble eating a balanced diet or have a condition where the body lacks certain nutrients, supplements can be a great and easy way to help the body.

Ask a trusted doctor. It is always advised to talk to your doctor about all the ways you can naturally improve your health. This is especially important if you are on medication. Certain supplements can interact with prescribed medicine making them ineffective or producing side effects and no one wants that.

Read the label. With all the supplements on the market it is very important to read the ingredients. Are they made with clean organic ingredients or harmful chemicals? Some supplements are full on fillers and things your body has no use for so it is important to read through the ingredients and understand what each on can provide to your overall health. Then compare what you are looking for against the label. Becoming and educated consumer is one of the best way to ensure you make the right choice.

Here at FITTEAM we understand that choosing the right supplement can be overwhelming which is why we made the promise to always be transparent, to always have ingredients that are clean and organic and to never add in extra fluff that provides no value. If you are looking for a new supplement to add to your routine, we encourage you to do your research and find what’s best for you.
