The Value of a Network

The Value of a Network

The Value of a Network

Have you ever heard the saying “It’s not what you know, it’s who you know” and subconsciously thought, isn’t that true? If so, you are like most and have the understanding that the network you build can provide value in all areas of your life. Today let’s dive a little deeper into the value your network can bring you in your career path or owning your own business.


Leads + Opportunities

Let’s start with the most noticeable reason, leads or new opportunities. Leads to a new job, leads to a new prospect or client for your business, leads to a good investment and so on. I bet if you reflect you can recall at least one point if not many in your life when a lead or an opportunity from someone in your network impacted your career path, business growth or overall quality of life.


Connection + Knowledge

Through each new connection you gain new knowledge. Have you ever been talking with someone and realized “that’s a good idea”? I am sure you have; we all have. But as your connections grow you acquire more knowledge which leads the way to new ideas such as, strategies or techniques to grow your business, identifying a new business practice, the recognition of new trends or even something as simple feedback on your own ideas.


Confidence + Visibility

As you build your network you are forced to have more interactions each interaction works towards building your confidence and your social skills. Each new connection in your growing network will act as a confidence boost the ultimately leads to increased visibility. Visibility is important because the more people that you have in your network and have a good impression of you, the more value you hold. If places value in their connection with you, they are more willing to refer you or help you when leaned on. Not to mention the more eyes you have on your business the more leads you gain.


We hope that understanding the value that your network can bring inspires you to grow your network. If you are ever nervous or not sure how to start in meeting new people, try these tried-and-true ways, join a group based off your interests (online or in person), attend a networking event, get involved in mentorship programs or even volunteer. All of these strategies will help you start making meaningful connections. Here at FITTEAM we value each and every connection and could not be prouder of the network we have grown as a community. If you are looking to learn more about how you could be a part of our FITTEAM network and community don’t hesitate to reach out!

