Time Freedom

Time Freedom

Ever wish you could do what you wanted when you wanted? Of course, the answer is yes, which brings me to the topic of time freedom. Time freedom is truly having the ability to do what you want when you want. Time freedom may seem like foreign concept for most because historically it has been engrained in us that we all need to follow the same path – go to school then get a 9-5 job where you work until you almost wither away, but who wants to start living their life at retirement…no one!

The truth is that’s not the only path, in fact there are a million other ways you can have a successful career and full life all while experiencing time freedom. Take this quote from Steve jobs: “Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. – Steve Jobs

Understanding time freedom is great, but the real question is how do you break free from your current situation so that you can truly experience time freedom? Below we review the best ways to achieve time freedom in your daily life.

Understand where you spend your time. Sit down and map out your day to day, creating a time calendar of your day will help you evaluate where you spend your time. Identify the things you love and the things you do not enjoy. Once you have this all written/drawn out figure out how you can eliminate the things you do not enjoy creating more time for the things you love.

Take control of your time. You mapped out your time now start to rework how you spend your time. Do you hate cooking? Explore getting prepackaged meals for your family. Do you hate grocery shopping? See if your groceries can be delivered. Switching up or eliminating the smallest activities you hate will immediately create more time in your day for the things you enjoy. At work use your team to help you achieve tasks while at home start to use your family.  It’s important to remember you don’t have to do everything yourself and can ask others for help.

Reevaluate your finances. You may be asking how your finances impact time freedom, but they are 100% correlated. The saying “time is money” became a saying for a reason. Not all of us are lucky enough to have a job we truly are passionate about and enjoy every day which means you go to work to make money to provide for yourself and your family. Start by eliminating debt, if you can eliminate debt then your money becomes your own, allowing your more flexibility on how much you need and how to spend. Another great way is to find alternative revenue streams. Can you create passive income? Can you invest in real estate? Can you start a side hustle business?  Are you able to explore network marketing? All of these other sources of income or different style of work can provide more time freedom.

We are just grazing the surface on the ways to lead a life of time freedom and encourage you to invest in yourself and your time wisely for a future of happiness. If you are looking to learn more about the time freedom opportunities, we have here at FITTEAM please feel free to reach out!
