Twenty 100 Calorie and Under Snack Ideas

Twenty 100 Calorie and Under Snack Ideas

Snacks can be a great way to stay nourished and energized throughout your day! Below are twenty 100 calorie and under snacks which will keep you full as well as provide your body with the proper nutrients it needs. All of these snacks are easy to prepare or are even something you can purchase ahead of time and grab on the go!


  1. Baby Carrots and Hummus
    1. Serving size: 10 Carrots, 2 Tbsp Hummus
    2. Nutrition Info: 99 calories, 2g protein, 11g carbs, 5g fat
  2. Apple Slices and Preference of Nut Butter
    1. Serving size: ¾ Cup Apple Slices, 2 tsp Nut Butter
    2. Nutrition Info: 90 calories, 2g protein, 9g carbs, 5g fat
  3. 100 Calorie Nut Package (Almond, Cashews, Mixed)
    1. Serving size: 1 Package
    2. Nutrition Info: 100 calories, 3-4g protein, 3-5g carbs, 8-9g fat
  4. Low Sugar Greek Yogurt
    1. Serving size: 1 Container or ¾ Cup
    2. Nutrition Info: 90 calories, 13g protein, 4g carbs, 2g fat
  5. Cut Melon Mix (Cubed honeydew, watermelon and cantaloupe)
    1. Serving size: 2 Cups
    2. Nutrition Info: 90 calories, 2g protein,24 g carbs, 0g fat
  6. Shelled Edamame
    1. Serving size: 1/2 Cup
    2. Nutrition Info: 100 calories, 8g protein, 8g carbs, 3g fat
  7. Raw Veggies (broccoli, carrots, peppers, celery) and Low-Fat dressing
    1. Serving Size: 1 ½ Cup Veggies, 2 Tbsp Dressing
    2. Nutrition Info: 92 calories, 3g protein, 15g carbs, 3g fat
  8. Low-Fat Cottage Cheese
    1. Serving Size: ½ Cup
    2. Nutrition Info: 90 calories, 14g protein, 4g carbs, 2g fat
  9. Sugar Free Gelatin and Reduced Fat Whipped Cream
    1. Serving Size: 1 Cup Jell-O, 2 Tbsp Reduced Fat Whipped Cream
    2. Nutrition Info: 35 calories, 2g protein, 0g carbs, 0g fat
  10.  Whole Wheat English Muffin and Jelly
    1. Serving Size: ½ English Muffin, 2 tsp Jelly
    2. Nutrition Info: 93 calories, 2g protein, 20g carbs, 0g fat
  11. Air-Popped Popcorn
    1. Serving Size: 3 Cups
    2. Nutrition Info: 93 calories, 3g protein, 18g carbs, 1g fat
  12.  Mini Light Cheese Portions and Apple
    1. Serving Size: 1 Piece Mini Cheese portion (such as Babybel), ½ Apple Sliced
    2. Nutrition Info: 90 calories, 6g protein, 11g carbs, 3g fat
  13. Avocado Rice Cake
    1. Serving Size: 1 Rice Cake, ¼ Cup Mashed Avocado
    2. Nutrition Info: 93 calories, 2g protein, 10g carbs, 5g fat
  14. Hard Boiled Egg
    1. Serving Size: 1 Egg
    2. Nutrition Info: 70 calories, 6g protein, 1g carbs, 5g fat
  15. 100 Calorie Pretzel Snack Pack
    1. Serving Size: 1 Package
    2. Nutrition Info: 100 calories, 2g protein, 20g carbs, 1g fat
  16. Whole Wheat Pita Chips and Cheddar Cheese
    1. Serving Size: 3 Pita Chips, ½ oz Cheddar Cheese Cubes
    2. Nutrition Info: 99 calories, 4g protein, 6g carbs, 6g fat
  17. Packaged High Fiber Brownie (like Fiber One brand)
    1. Serving Size: 1 Piece
    2. Nutrition Info: 90 calories, 1g protein, 17g carbs, 3g fat
  18. Banana and Nut Butter
    1. Serving Size: ½ Banana, 1 ¼ tsp Nut Butter
    2. Nutrition Info: 98 calories, 2g protein, 17g carbs, 3g fat
  19.  Parmesan Crisps
    1. Serving Size: 12 Crisps
    2. Nutrition Info: 100 calories, 9g protein, 1g carbs, 7g fat
  20. Egg Muffins
    1. Serving Size: 1 Muffin
    2. Recipe:
      1. Grease muffin tray holes with coconut or olive oil
      2. Preheat the oven to 375F
      3. Combine 12 Egg Whites with small chopped up pieces of your favorite vegetables (peppers, mushrooms, asparagus, onion, etc)
      4. Pour the egg mixture ¾ of the way into the greased muffin tray
      5. Bake for 15-18 minutes
    3. Nutrition Info: 98 calories, 8g protein, 3g carbs, 3g fat


Maryann Walsh, MFN, RD, CDE
Registered Dietitian/ Nutrition Communications Specialist