What is Panax Ginseng?

What is Panax Ginseng?

Panax ginseng or ginseng is a very popular medicinal plant cultivated in Asia. Panax comes from a Greek word that means “all-healing”. But why? Since ancient times, this plant was believed to help regulate body function, prolong life, and have neuroprotective functions.

Let’s explore some of the research:


Panax ginseng contains numerous antioxidants that help fight inflammation. Panax ginseng also reduces phosphorylation and can alter the intestinal microenvironment which plays an important role in the occurrence of inflammation in the body (which is one of the major causes of lifestyle and dietary-related diseases).


Panax ginseng can affect the appetite of an individual by improving leptin resistance (leptin suppresses food intake) and increasing the secretion of neuropeptide Y, which is in charge of eating and the delay of satiety. Also, it inhibits the digestion and absorption of carbohydrates and fat and increases fat oxidation. Collectively, we get to lessen our food intake, food is less digested and absorbed and our current fat stores are burned, a perfect environment to make our body lose weight and prevent obesity.

Brain Protector

Any neurodegenerative disease is accompanied by oxidative stress and neuroinflammation and Panax Ginseng has been shown to support brain cell survival from all of the possible injuries it may experience every day. Panax ginseng is also linked to improving our learning abilities and memory.

Heart Protector

Panax ginseng may help improve blood flow through the production and release of nitric oxide in the endothelium, which can improve lipid levels as blood flow improves, while also inhibiting platelet aggregation by preventing the white blood cells from sticking to the vascular walls.

Immunity Helper

This is the most common benefit of Panax ginseng. It can help strengthen immunity since it contains immune-stimulating phytochemical compounds such as flavonoids, terpenoids, lignans, polyphenolics, sulfides, and saponins and some potent and natural antioxidant compounds are considered promising treatments for chronic diseases.

It supports immune function by:

    1. Increasing the activity of the macrophages by stimulating nitric oxide production
    2. Helps keep dendritic cells healthy which helps t-cells identify any harmful foreign objects
    3. It also helps increase the activity of natural killer cells which are tasked to identify cells that are neoplastic or infected with a virus.
    4. It can enhance antibody production



This information is not intended to diagnose or treat any diseases and the research stated used varying amounts of Panax ginseng in in-vitro (test-tube, petri-dish, etc.)  and in-vivo (in living animal/ organism) environments, however it is so fascinating to look into the benefits of Panax ginseng, which is an ingredient found in FITTEAM IMMUNE!


Maryann Walsh, MFN, RD, CDE
Registered Dietitian/ Nutrition Communications Specialist




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