Why weight training matters!

Why weight training matters!

When you hear someone say, “I am going to work out” or “I am headed to the gym”, what do you immediately think of? Most of us (at least us females) instantly think of a treadmill or an elliptical or some form of cardio. For many of us cardio reigns ruler in the world of fitness, which don’t get me wrong cardio does have its benefits but it’s not the only form of exercise that we should be focusing on. So today I want to shift the conversation to weight training and why weight training could be the secret ingredient you have been missing from your workouts.

When we think weight training we think strength, but did you know weight training does more than just strengthen your muscles it can also strengthen your bones. According to Everyday Health, “According to a study published in October 2017 in the Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, just 30 minutes twice a week of high intensity resistance and impact training was shown to improve functional performance, as well as bone density, structure, and strength in postmenopausal women with low bone mass — and it had no negative effects” Overall it’s safe to say that strong bodies have strong bones.

Balance, flexibility and mobility are something you may have not correlated with strength training before, but you should moving forward. The American Cancer Society states “Strength training helps joints stay flexible and can reduce the symptoms of arthritis.” It has even been shown that strength and weight training is comparable to stretching when it comes to increased flexibility.

Weight training provides endless benefits to the physical body as we may know but did you know weight training can also impact your mental health. According to US News and their findings from Harvard Medical School, “…strength training improves symptoms of clinical depression and anxiety. Exercise-triggered endorphins may play a role, but strength training also provides an opportunity to overcome obstacles in a controlled, predictable environment, increasing mental resilience.” So next time you are feeling a little off and want a pick me up try picking up some weights.

Yes, weight training will help you appear leaner, feel confident, and help with body image but it does so much more. It has been shown to lower your risk of chronic disease by helping to control blood sugar levels. It has been noted to produce better cardiovascular health by helping to lower abdominal fat.

Not sure about you but understanding these long-lasting benefits has me rethinking my approach to a complete workout. We encourage you to ask a doctor or consult a trainer on the best ways to get started with strength training and weight training so that you can take the next step in your health journey.
