FITTEAM Business

“Network marketing is a scam”, “network marketing is a pyramid scheme”, “you’ll never make money in network marketing.” These are common phrases you will hear upon deciding to join a network marketing company, but are they true? The truth… sometimes. Just like any field of...

  Rejection is universally undesired however, every day we are faced with some form of rejection. The key to success is the ability to overcome this fear and learn to embrace rejection when encountered. A sales role is one of the hardest positions to be in because rejection...

Whether you’re in the business of selling products or services there are two critical pillars that everyone uses; marketing and prospecting. In the terms of business there are several ways to describe what these efforts actually look like. Loosely put, prospecting is when you actively reach...

It is estimated that 75% of people have a fear of public speaking [1], that means the majority of people you know and possibly even yourself may have a fear of speaking in front of others. However, public speaking does not have to be intimidating...

What is residual income? Most of us have heard of the term residual income by now, but do we truly understand what it is, or how it can benefit us? I did some digging on what residual income is and my conclusion: WE ALL NEED RESIDUAL...

It’s time to get out of the rat race and drop that nine-to-five. I know it sounds scary, but I promise it’s not. The standard American eight-hour work day commonly referred to as the nine to five, was originally established in 1869 through the “National Eight...

Not everyone is born a natural leader, but those that invest in themselves and take the time to work on personal development can become the successful leaders many admire and aspire to be.  At FITTEAM we encourage you to grow your leadership skills every day,...