FITTEAM Business

The Value of a Network Have you ever heard the saying “It’s not what you know, it’s who you know” and subconsciously thought, isn’t that true? If so, you are like most and have the understanding that the network you build can provide value in all...

  Coming fresh off our FITTEAM Social Media Strategies Event what better time than now to recap the lessons learned and dive into how social media can influence the success of a business. We all know technology and social media have made business more accessible and...

  When you think of summer what do you think of? Is it more time with friends and family, weekends spent doing outside activities or by the water, maybe it is endless kid camp shuffling? No matter what your answers is, I can pretty much assume...

Today’s world has proved to be ever changing and yet ever resilient. As humans we have the unique ability to learn and adapt. We have used this ability to navigate the ongoing changes in the way we communicate. If you were to take a step...

Make your personal brand stand out!   We all know that marketing along with the way a brand advertises can make or break their success. The same goes for your personal brand. Not sure what I mean by personal brand? According, “Personal branding is the practice...