FITTEAM Business

Leadership is a critical component of success in any organization, whether it's a business, a non-profit, or a community group. Effective leaders are essential for guiding teams, inspiring employees, and achieving organizational goals. But what makes a leader effective? What qualities do they possess that...

No matter what industry we are in we will all be faced with moments where leadership will be needed and tested. Learning to lead is key to overall success and growth for individuals and companies, especially in the world of network marketing where we are...

Accepting feedback or any form of constructive criticism can be a challenge. We often take it personal or feel attacked when that is very rarely the true intention of any feedback given. Today we discuss ways to accept feedback positively so that we can learn,...

How many times have we caught ourselves thinking “I should really do that” but we divert our attention somewhere else or ignore “that” all together? I am sure if we are being honest, we have all procrastinated, pushing “that” off one-to-many times. That’s why today...

The world of finance, stock markets, interest rates, and job opportunities is always changing. All of us have had a first-row seat to watching unprecedented change happen over the last 4 years. These constant changes often strike fear and uncertainty, but this doesn’t have to...

I don’t think we need all the recent studies and data to tell us or prove to us that as humans we are easily distracted I think this is something we have all come to realize, but did you know there are way to fight...

As we make our way into fall most of us make our way into a very busy season! A busy season for work, for our social life and for our families. However, did you know there are ways to prepare for a busy season that...

We all know the saying “Consistency is Key” and this saying can be applied to almost every aspect of our lives but today we are going to focus on how remaining consistent in your business practices especially in network marketing can lead to great success. Let’s...

The new youth of America better known as Gen Z is changing and reshaping the world in which we live in. Gen Z is formally defined as: “Generation Z (or Gen Z for short), colloquially known as zoomers, is the demographic cohort succeeding Millennials and...