FITTEAM Lifestyle

We realize this headline may sound a little crazy. After all, how do you make money while on vacation? Well, the truth is, it’s easy! Residual incomes and passive incomes are the answer. In case you are unfamiliar… -  Residual income is income that you continue to...

In the world of network marketing, we all know the key to long term success is an amazing product that people can stand by, but growing your business relies on your network! The stronger each relationship within your network becomes the stronger your business will...

If all the psychology and science is true, the relationships we create and maintain throughout our lives will have the biggest impact on our overall health. This means who we surround ourselves with today, tomorrow and in the future really does matter. Knowing this, we...

Does your day to day ever feel stressful, or do you find yourself experiencing anxiety? Well, you are not alone, according to there has been a significant increase in anxiety disorder cases and episodes globally. This feel of anxiousness, fear or nervousness can seem...