FITTEAM Lifestyle

Whether you are starting a weight loss journey, are currently on a weight loss journey, or have achieved your weight loss goal, taking responsibility for your health and  well-being is a powerful step. Sometimes social media and “comparisonitis” in today’s  world can make your motivation...

You may have noticed some changes around you lately and a lot of talk. Talk of inflation, interest rates, rising pricing, employee shortage and the overall economics changing. However, this is nothing new the markets have changed throughout the years and people always adapt and...

Ever wish you could do what you wanted when you wanted? Of course, the answer is yes, which brings me to the topic of time freedom. Time freedom is truly having the ability to do what you want when you want. Time freedom may seem...

There is a common misconception that workouts aren’t good unless you feel like you’re dying! The truth is that low intensity workouts can have a huge impact on your overall health and well-being while providing just as much value as a high intensity workout. Let’s...