FITTEAM Health & Wellness

With the new year now officially in full swing, it’s time to check in and see how those resolutions you made to yourself are holding up? Are you crushing them? Do you need to get back on track? I hope your answer was you are...

During the holidays we are reminded of all the things we love and are grateful for. However, we tend to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of those around us, which leads to a lack in our self-care. If we are really being...

When you think of the holiday’s you probably think of family, friends, fun and delicious food. A time for all of your favorite things. Most likely not top of mind, would be the workouts you’ll try to squeeze in or the healthy options that may...

Growing up did you ever hear “Sit up straight” or “no slouching” from the adults around you? If not, you might be one of the lucky ones who somehow mastered perfect posture at a young age, but for the rest of us, hearing reminders about...