Happy Holidays from FITTEAM! It's been a crazy year and we have had some AMAZING things happen, however, none of these moments would have been possible without the vision, drive and passion of our Brand Partners and Customers to help others and improve lives daily. If you...

Prep Time: 5 Minutes | 1 Servings   Ingredients: 1/2 cup Frozen Cherries 1/4 cup Frozen Banana 1 serving Lean Protein Powder 1 tbsp Almond Butter 1 cup Almond Milk 1/4 tsp Peppermint Extract   Directions: Place all ingredients in your blender and blend until smooth. Pour into a...

Ahh tis' the holiday season, full of fun, cheer and work. Holiday calendars tend to forget that not everyone can take weeks off at a time and that most of us still hustle through the holidays. Nobody knows this better than a business owner, learning...

Community is a word we hear often and can hold a different meaning or value to each of us, but community by definition is, a feeling of fellowship with others, as a result of sharing common attitudes, interests, and goals. As the holidays grow closer...

Panax ginseng or ginseng is a very popular medicinal plant cultivated in Asia. Panax comes from a Greek word that means “all-healing”. But why? Since ancient times, this plant was believed to help regulate body function, prolong life, and have neuroprotective functions. Let’s explore some of the research: Anti-inflammation Panax...